"If you can't handle my worst, you ain't getting my best."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

French Lesson #2

For our second French lesson, like our second German lesson, we will be learning our numbers!

In French, like German, the commas and periods are switched.

1,000 = 1.000
0.36 = 0,36

German Lesson #2

This week, for our second German lesson, we will be learning numbers. Hopefully all of you paid attention to the alphabet lesson because that will come in handy later.

Next lesson, we will learn how to do simple math in German.

Helpful Hint - In German, the periods and commas are opposite how we use them in English. For example, 1,000 in German is 1.000 while 0.20 in German is 0,20.

Scientific Breakthrough in Schizophrenia

Recently, a group of psychologists released an article in Neuron describing what has been termed as a scientific breakthrough in regards to schizophrenia. In this article, Dr. Lena Palaniyappan, described how she and her team of researchers have found what may possibly be the cause of delusions and other psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, in schizophrenic patients.

A Map of the Brain

The psychotic symptoms exhibited by schizophrenic patients has, through this research, been linked to a so-called faulty brain switch that enables the mind to switch between objective reality and their inner thoughts. Objective reality is how we see the world through our own mental filters and is shaped by our past conditioning. This switch between the insula and the lateral frontal cortex, when functioning properly, is what allows humans to switch from inner thoughts to what is happening around them. When the switch isn't properly functioning, as in schizophrenic patients, the mind's inner voice becomes reality for the affected person. That is, they begin to hear and see things in their reality that in a normal functioning person, is kept strictly inside the mind.

The Insula

The insula is the part of the brain where our inner thoughts and fantasies take place. It is kept in check by the lateral frontal cortex. In the study, drug use was also shown to disrupt the lateral frontal cortex's ability to keep the insula in check. That is, those who used recreational drugs such as marijuana, also experienced hallucinations and delusions because of the disruption between these two key components of the brain.

Another conclusion from this particular study is that the researchers believe that schizophrenia occurs because of underdevelopment of the brain while in the womb and during early childhood. Studies conducted comparing the brains of schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals, researchers discovered that the insula in schizophrenic patients have smooth, folding patterns covering this particular region of the brain. This particular appearance of the insula gives the impression that the insula is underdeveloped.

An Underdeveloped Toddler Brain

This study concluded that whereas normal patients can swift effortlessly from their insula to their lateral frontal cortex, those with schizophrenia cannot. They exhibit little to no control over their lateral frontal cortex.

With the findings of this study, it is believed that transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may be the best method of treatment for those with schizophrenia. This form of treatment, which is about to go into its early trial stages, uses magnetic pulses to stimulate malfunctioning brain regions. It may possibly be able to the stimulate the malfunctioning 'switch' between the insula and frontal lateral cortex. With further testing, it is possible that there may soon be an effective, side-affect free treatment for schizophrenic patients.

TMS Treatment

Currently, only 20 percent of those with schizophrenia, which is the most common, severe psychological disorder in the world, make a full recovery. If TMS is successful, it is believed that the successful recovery of schizophrenic patients will become more common.

Article Published in Reuters
Psych Central Article

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

German Lesson #1

The other language that I think is just amazing is German or Deutsch as they like to call it! Now, I don't speak German, but my lovely friend, Cassie, does! She's going to be helping me with these posts since she speaks German herself.

The lesson for today is similar to the for French - the German alphabet. And for added fun, there is also a German alphabet song.

French Lesson #1

So, I've recently developed a scary obsession with French. It's a beautiful language and it's considered one of the most cultured in the world! Everyone loves the French. What isn't there to love about France? There are cafes, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles, and so much more!

Anyway, I thought I would share some French with you guys at least once a week. It really isn't a hard language to learn once you get the basics down! Today's lesson will be an easy one: the French alphabet. Here's a little youtube clip of the French alphabet!

So, practice that alphabet tonight and tomorrow we will do numbers!

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's Family Portraits

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge recently released two new family portraits that had been taken at the Duchess of Cambridge's parents' home and snapped by her parents. The portraits are a royal first in their informality - making the royal couple seem just like everyone else.  What do you guys think of the new family portraits?

Kate, Will, George, Luppo, and Tilly

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Angels vs. Humans

There is a misconception among many people that when you die, you become an angel. This isn't true. I understand where this urban legend comes from. One has only to look at television or children's books to understand why so many people believe this lie.

A Depiction of Michael the Archangel

For starters, how many television shows have you watched were a person dies, goes to Heaven, and gets their wings? I know that I have seen plenty of shows, a lot of cartoons, and some movies where the instant a person dies, they either become an angel or have to earn their spot as an angel. This isn't the case.

Humans do not become angels. According to the Bible, only one human has ever become an angel. Not only do humans not become angels, but angels do not look like humans. Books and television like to make us believe that angels and men have the same features, but we do not. Angels are more in touch with their godlike powers; in fact, they are referred to as semi-gods with God being the head. Angels have different proportions than humans - the most noticeable being that their heads are bigger.

Lucifer in his Angel Form

The second problem with this notion is that there are no female angels. Popular culture has led us to believe that angels are women, but they aren't. Anyone who has ever read the Bible knows that, while Zechariah 5:9 alludes to possible female angels, it cannot be confirmed. The rest of the Bible; however, makes a point that angels are only male.

Pop Culture's Version of Angels

I don't understand why our culture has such a fascination with wanting to be angels. We find out in the Book of Revelations that humans are God's favorites and the reason for Lucifer's failed rebellion and subsequent fall from Heaven. Why would you want to be an angel when you are already God's favorite?

An Artist's Version of Lucifer After Being Cast From Heaven


Online Bible

Monday, August 12, 2013

Roman Catholicism vs. Eastern Orthodoxy

Everyone it seems is familiar with the Roman Catholic Church - it is after all, the largest Christian church in the world with 1.2 billion followers. Few; however, have heard of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Fewer still know that the Eastern Orthodox Church, whose followers are known as Orthodox Catholics, is a Catholic church or how it differs from the Roman Catholic Church.

The Vatican

The Eastern Orthodox Church came to be following the Great Schism in the eleventh century and now is the world's second largest Christian church with around 300 million followers.

The Eastern Orthodox Church

The Great Schism between the East and the West as it has come to be known, occurred because Eastern Catholics did not wish to follow the Western pope who resided in Rome. To Eastern Catholics, the Pope was a foreigner and they could not relate to him. They didn't understand why he should be allowed to be the head of their church. The main problem with this was that the Eastern Catholics had more loyalty to their own patriarchs than they did the Pope.

The second issue between the East and the West was that the Eastern churches did not speak Latin as the Western churches did. In the East, Greek ruled the churches. This became a problem for the bishops when the Eastern bishops spoke only Greek while the Western bishops spoke only Latin.

In time, there would be a Decree of Florence which would separate the Catholic church into the Eastern and Western halves. The two which have come to be known today as the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.

Though the Eastern Orthodox Church is a Catholic church, don't let that fool you. Orthodox Catholics and Roman Catholics do not follow the same practices. To put it in simple tones, the Orthodox Church is almost a combination of Catholicism and Protestantism.

Apostolic Succession

Apostolic Succession is almost like a family tree. It is the belief that bishops can trace their lineage back to the first apostles - those who followed Jesus. Apostolic Succession is a crucial part of both the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.

Both churches believe that Apostolic Succession is crucial in proving the continuity of the Church from Jesus Christ. The only difference is those which the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church ordain. There is; however, a mutual agreement between both churches to recognize the validity of one another's ordinations.

Composition of the Bible

The Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church both agree with the composition of the Bible that they use. Both churches accept all 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books. Unlike Protestants, both churches also agree with the validity and teach a set of books that are not found in the original Hebrew scripts and are known as Deuterocanonicals. Translated into English, this means a second canon of scripture.

Qualification for Clergy

Orthodox Catholics and Roman Catholics differ greatly on whom they deem to be qualified to serve in their clergy.

Orthodox Catholics, like Roman Catholics, believe that all priests and bishops must be male. Unlike Roman Catholics, the Orthodox Church allows for deaconesses. The Orthodox Church allows its priests and deacons to marry before they are ordained, though not after. Like the Roman Catholic Church, their bishops must remain celibate.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that all clergy must be male with no exceptions. Their priests and bishops, unless converted to Roman Catholicism from the Eastern Orthodox Church or the Anglican Church, must be celibate.

Significance of the Eucharist

The Eucharist, the taking of bread and wine, is important in both churches. While both churches believe that during the Eucharist, the bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Christ, the way in which this happens differs between the two churches.

In Eastern Orthodoxy, the priest calls down the Holy Spirit upon the bread and the wine. They then turn into the body and blood of Christ in ways that are considered a divine mystery.

In the Roman Catholic Church; however, the priest invokes the Holey Spirit and through Transubstantiation while acting in the person of Christ, changes the wine and bread into the body and blood of Christ.

Distribution of the Eucharist

Both the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church believe that only those who are members of the church can partake in the Eucharist. The way they distribute it amongst their members, differs.

In Orthodoxy, both the bread and wine are given to all the members present. In the Roman Catholic Church, the congregation only takes the bread while the priest receives the wine. It is becoming more common in the Roman Catholic Church; however, for the whole congregation to receive both the bread and wine.

Holy Spirit

The Eastern Orthodox Church believes that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and proceeds from the Father alone as in the Nicene Creed. The Father sends the Spirit at the intercession of the Son. Therefore, the Son is an agent only in the procession of the Spirit.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

Marriage and Divorce

The Orthodox Church believes that marriage is a mystical union between man and woman. While divorce isn't common the Orthodox Church, it is normally only granted because of adultery though there are a few other exceptions.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that marriage is an unbreakable contract between a man and a woman. Divorce is not granted unless there is a canonical impediment in which case annulments are granted.

Assumption and Immaculate Conception of Mary

The Orthodox Church believes that Mary experienced a physical death, but rejects the Immaculate conception, the belief that God protected Mary from sin. The Orthodox Church believes that the guilt of original sin is not transmitted from one generation to the next, which obviates the need for Mary to be sinless.

The Roman Catholic Church has not yet decided if Mary experienced a physical death or if it believes with the Immaculate conception.

Position of Mary Within the Church

The Orthodox Church refers to Mary as Theotokos, meaning God-bearer. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that Christ was a God in human form. Mary is first amongst the saints and, according to the church, forever virgin.

In the Roman Catholic Church, Mary is referred to as Mother of God rather than Theotokos and it is believed that at various times in history, she has shown herself in apparition form. Here she is also first amongst the saints and forever virgin.

Authority of the Pope

The Orthodox Church considers the Pope to be the Bishop of Rome. He has no jurisdiction over the Orthodox Church as it is believed that the Roman Catholic Church needs to be reformed. In Orthodoxy, the Pope's authority is no greater or lesser than that of the other bishops in the Orthodox Church.

The Roman Catholic Church considers the Pope to have supreme authority over the church as he is the head of the church on earth and the spiritual successor of St. Peter.

Papal Infallibility

The Orthodox Church rejects the idea of papal infallibility. The believe that the Holy Spirit acts to guide the church through councils though these councils are not infallible.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that the Pope is infallible when acting through the Holy Spirit, he defines a doctrine on faith and morals that the whole church is to follow. This is considered a dogma and must be upheld by all those of the Roman Catholic faith.


The Orthodox Church recognizes an intermediate state between earth and Heaven; however, it believes that cleansing and purification happen during this life, not in purgatory.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that purgatory is a place of cleansing and preparation for Heaven as well as a place where punishment for sins is given.


Both churches believe that there are seven sacraments and the list is the same for both. The list is not fixed in the Orthodox Church and is known as Mysteries instead of Sacraments. It is fixed in the Roman Catholic Church. The Seven Sacraments are:

  1. Baptism
  2. Confirmation (known as Chrismation in Orthodoxy)
  3. Eucharist
  4. Holy Orders
  5. Holy Unction
  6. Holy Matrimony
  7. Penance (Confession)
Effect of the Sacraments

Both churches believe that the Sacraments convey grace to those who are worthy and participate in them. 


Both churches believe that a special group of holy people may be venerated. They believe that these people may act as intercessors between God and Man and be invoked in prayer. The Roman Catholic Church, unlike the Orthodox Church, require at least two verifiable miracles to occur due to intercession of a person before they are considered for sainthood.


In Orthodoxy, it is believed that salvation is faith working through love and should be seen as a life long process. The ultimate aim is to obtain union with God. This is done through living a holy life.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that we are saved by grace which is initially given through Baptism and maintained through the sacraments.

Importance of the Scripture

The Orthodox Church believes that tradition is the source of divine revelation. The Scripture forms the oral part while the writings of saints and decisions of ecumenical councils are also part of it.

The Catholic Church says that the Scripture and tradition which are interpreted by magisterium of the Church are the source of divine revelation.

Worship and Liturgy

The Orthodox Church believes spirituality is centered around the Divine Liturgy. Worship is normally in the vernacular though Greek is sometimes used.

The Roman Catholic Church centers worship around Mass. Following the Vatican II council, worship is allowed in the vernacular though Mass is still mostly in Latin.

Though there are a lot of differences between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, there are still a lot of similarities as well.

Official Website of the Vatican
Official Website of the Orthodox Church in America

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shark Week 2013

2013 Shark Week Promotion

Shark Week is amongst us! Kicking off Sunday, August 4 with Megalodon: The Monster That Lives, a fictional film about the possible existence of a prehistoric Megalodon in today's waters, Discovery Channel's ever famous Shark Week is back in full swing.

So far this year, Shark Week has talked about Megalodons and Voodoo Sharks as well as interested a new talk show, Shark After Dark, which is aired live and discusses the new shows aired during the day. On top of the new shows, old classics like Air Jaws and its many sequels, as well as the MythBusters: Jaws have aired.

There have been plenty of shark attack reenactments as well and a show dedicated to teaching what to do in case of a shark attack and how to avoid one. Like always, Shark Week is dedicated to educating the world about sharks in an effort to show that sharks are not as dangerous as we think they are. In fact, humans kill more sharks than sharks kill humans.

A Great White Attacking a Seal

With the third day into Shark Week, I would say that this year has been just as great as previous ones.  What do you think of Shark Week 2013?


Discovery Channel Shark Week

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Schizophrenia: The 4 Types

Earlier, I wrote a post about schizophrenia. In it, I described the different symptoms and what is believed to cause the disorder. I; however, failed to address the four different types of schizophrenia that exist and will remedy that in this post.
The Schizophrenic Brain

Paranoid Schizophrenia:

Paranoid schizophrenia is the type that generally comes to mind when people think of schizophrenia. This is because paranoid schizophrenics are the most common - in real life and in the fictional world. Paranoid schizophrenics have hallucinations and delusions but relatively normal intellectual and emotional expressions. Most paranoid schizophrenics exhibit anger, social isolation, are argumentative, and have anxiety. This is generally regarded as the most dangerous of all the types of schizophrenia because of the delusions and hallucinations.

Jack in The Shining is an example of extreme Paranoid Schizophrenia

Disorganized Schizophrenia:

Disorganized schizophrenia is when the schizophrenic has disorganized speech. If you remember my previous post about schizophrenia, you will know that this is characterized by trouble speaking, chopped speech, or simply saying inappropriate things in context of the conversation. Disorganized schizophrenics also have trouble in social situations because they do not always do the appropriate thing. This can also disrupt their day to day lives. An example would be randomly laughing while trying to get dressed. It is difficult to understand the actions of a disorganized schizophrenic and sometimes it can be scary. A lot of schizophrenics in this category seem to be preoccupied with their own thoughts.

What the inside of a disorganized schizophrenic's mind would look like

Residual Schizophrenia

Residual schizophrenics are for lack of a better term, not full blown schizophrenics. They have episodes maybe once every few years, but for the most part, live relatively normal, unaffected lives. They seem to show no positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, etc.)

Schizophrenia Causes Confussion

Undifferentiated Schizophrenia:

Undifferentiated schizophrenics exhibit symptoms shown in all the other types of schizophrenia, but do not exhibit enough symptoms to be classified in any of the other categories.

Types of Schizophrenia

Sunday, July 28, 2013

God: Male or Female?

Every time someone mentions God, they refer to Him as male. Even I am guilty of this. In fact, I have only ever thought of God as a He. That is how we are taught to refer to God. This is why when I was reading Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult, I was so shocked to hear the main character, a little girl named Faith, referring to God as She.

Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult

In Keeping Faith, a little girl named Faith is experiencing the trauma of her parents' divorce. She starts to speak to her mother about a woman visiting her and calling herself Faith's guard. Faith's mother thinks that she has created an invisible friend until Faith begins to recite parts of the bible - a book she has never read. Then she mysteriously has holes appear in her hands and feet - mimicking those that would have been made on Jesus when he was crucified. When Faith told her mother that she was speaking to God, Faith's mother was shocked to hear Faith call God, She and describe God as a woman.

The Traditional View of God

In this novel, when the world finds out how Faith is describing God, there is backlash from priests and people alike as they proclaim that God cannot be  female. We all know that there are people in our society that would be extremely upset if someone said God is female. Well, those people are wrong.

An Artist's Depiction of a Female God

In Revelation 22:13, God says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."  So, what does God mean by saying He is the Alpha and the Omega? This means that God is neither male nor female. He is both. Which makes sense seeing as how the bible states that we are all made in God's image.

Some View God as a Ball of Light

In lieu of this, I see nothing wrong with viewing God as male or female. In fact, it would probably be easier for little children to view God as being their gender. I know I like to think of God as female over male. The female side of God is what I picture to be the nurturing one that listens to our prayers and woes while the male God is the God I think of who takes revenge on others and serves punishments.
Alpha and Omega

What do you guys think about the many genders of God?

Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult
Book of Revelation 22:13

Who Really was the FIRST Woman?

Anyone who has grown up in the Christian religion as I have has always been told that Eve was the first woman. We are all familiar with Genesis and the story of how God made woman from Adam's rib. Our bible, the Christian bible, says that Eve was the woman that God made from Adam's rib and thus she was the first woman. Any biblical scholar; however, will tell you that Eve was not the first woman.

Antonio Molinari's Version of Adam and Eve

Long ago, when the bible was translated from ancient Hebrew to Latin, the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church chose to have certain parts of the bible not included in what would become the modern bible. There are several books missing from the bible, certain things were mistranslated, and, in the case of the first woman, the story was completely altered to leave out a key figure. The traditional Hebrew texts as well as the current Jewish bible still have the original story.

The Vatican

In the beginning, after creating Adam, God created a woman named Lilith. This was before the creation of Eve. Lilith was supposed to be Adam's companion, but the two did not get along and fought all the time. Eventually, Lilith left Adam and God, having seen how Lilith and Adam did not get along, decided that this time around, he would make a woman from Adam. So he took one of Adam's ribs and created Eve. 

The Hebrew Text ( Jewish Bible)

We all know the story from there, but what most of us do not know is what happened to Lilith. Though some of us who watch the HBO series True Blood will have an idea. After leaving Adam, the Hebrew texts say that Lilith became the world's first succubus - the precursor to the vampire. Lilith was a succubus who stole children's souls, specifically children's souls. 

An Artist's Depiction of Lilith

Now Lilith's story isn't the only one in the bible that the Roman Catholic Church changed. In the ancient texts, Moses' walking cane did not become a snake when he threw it on the ground in front of Pharaoh - it became a Nile crocodile. The text is specific about it being a Nile crocodile and none other. 

A Depiction of the Christian Bible's Tale of Moses and the Pharaoh 

On top of these minor mistakes in the modern bible, there are also several books that the Roman Catholic Church excluded a known total of 13 books. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Schizophrenia: The Truth About A Lifelong Illness

Unless you have been living under a rock your entire life, you have heard of Schizophrenia. Books mention it, television shows attempt to glorify it, and people who have never had any real life experience with it, perceive it to be something that it is not. This is mainly the fault of the mass media that portrays Schizophrenia by its rare, extreme cases instead of what it truly is in most instances. It's time that the world gets a real look at this most dreaded of psychological disorders.

A Normal Complaint of Schizophrenics

It is said that if depression is the common cold of psychological disorders, then chronic schizophrenia is the cancer. Depression, like the common cold, is treatable and does not last for life - unless you have Bipolar Disorder which is a completely different topic. Chronic schizophrenia; however, is very much like cancer in that it is a lifetime disorder and, although there are medicines to help treat it, it cannot be cured. 

Every 1 in 100 people develop schizophrenia at some point in their lives. Although schizophrenia can strike at any time and without warning, it typically affects those 17-30. It isn't that you magically stop being schizophrenic after age 30 or cannot develop it after age 30, it is that this is the typical age group for the first onset of symptoms. Men normally have more severe symptoms than women.
The Affected Portions of the Brain

There is no known cause of schizophrenia and it is believed that there may be several factors. The most accepted theory is that schizophrenia is caused by the release of too much dopamine in the brain. There is a lot of evidence to support this theory. Those who have schizophrenia show increased dopamine levels as opposed to those without the disease and the medicine used to treat schizophrenia which blocks the dopamine receptors seem to have the best outcomes. 

A Schizophrenic Brain vs. A Healthy Brain

Schizophrenia is a genetic psychological disorder. This means that it is known to run in a family. Evidence for this comes in the fact that several members of a family are known to have schizophrenia. For example, if your mother has schizophrenia, than you have a 17% chance of developing the disorder.

The Genetic Link of Schizophrenia

While there is strong evidence that points to schizophrenia being genetic, that is only half the story. It is also environmental. Psychologists know that schizophrenia is environmental because of studies conducted on monozygotic twins. In these studies, although one twin had schizophrenia, the other did not necessarily have the disorder. If schizophrenia were purely genetic, both twins would have the disorder.

Some of the environmental factors that are believed to cause schizophrenia are: 
  1. Family Stress
  2. Poor Social Interactions
  3. Traumatic Experiences
  4. Diseases at an early age
Although most people at some point in their lives will experience one if not more of these factors, it does not mean that they will develop schizophrenia. Keep in mind that schizophrenia only affects about 1% of the population.

There are 5 main symptoms of schizophrenia and I am going to discuss each separately. The first big symptom schizophrenics exhibit are delusions. 


Delusions are false, often bizarre, beliefs. Schizophrenics suffering from delusions believe that they are completely real and do not understand that whatever they think is false. While sometimes these delusions are paranoid in nature as the media leads us to believe all schizophrenics are, it is not always the case. Paranoid delusions are ones in which a schizophrenic may believe that there is someone spying on them - listening to their conversations, following them, etc. Sometimes, schizophrenics do have genuine paranoia in their delusions, but not always. Sometimes the delusions can be as simple as the schizophrenic believing they are a movie star so to speak and thus everyone should know them.  


Hallucinations are when a schizophrenic perceives occurrences in their environment that are not real. There are four areas in which a schizophrenic may experience hallucinations. This four may occur all at once or only one at any given time. The first is auditory. Some schizophrenics believe that they hear voices telling them to do things. The second, visual, is when schizophrenics see lights, people, etc. The third, olfactory, is smelling things that are not there while the fourth, tactile, is the feeling of things that are not there such as being poked. 

An Example of Auditory Hallucinations

Disorganized Thinking or Speech

Schizophrenics have different speech patterns than those not affected. Schizophrenics have unusuhere al thoughts, do not speak much, some schizophrenics have disjointed speech patterns, and change topics midway through what they are saying. 

Negative Symptoms

Negative symptoms occur when there is an absence of all normal behavior. Negative symptoms are social withdrawal, the absence of emotion and expressions, reduced energy, motivation, and activity. 


Catatonia is a negative symptom in which a schizophrenic is unmoving - generally staying in a certain position for a set amount of time. 

All of these symptoms do not always occur at the same time and not every schizophrenic exhibits every symptom. 

There are medicines that do treat schizophrenia. Many of these medicines do extremely well in reducing the symptoms of those with schizophrenia and help them live normal lives. The biggest problem that occurs with schizophrenics is that sometimes they believe they are doing well enough that they no longer need the medicine so they stop taking it. The second problem is getting a schizophrenic to start taking their medicine if they have paranoia. 

Schizophrenic are more likely to live normal, full lives if they are in a loving environment and have support from their friends and family. 


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Royal Scandals: Is It Really So Wrong to Marry for Love?

For centuries, nations have been captivated by royal scandals. These scandals range in topic from murder at the darkest end of the spectrum and to scandals regarding love on the other end. Sometimes the two mix. Some of the stories are tragically romantic. No one nation has had more intriguing scandals than England. Let's take a look at them, shall we?

Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville:

Edward IV was king of England from 1461-1470 and again from 1471 until his death in 1483. Edward was the first Yorkist king to rule England. His reign came during one of England's most famous civil wars, the Wars of the Roses.

Edward IV

Interesting Fact - The Wars of the Roses was so called because each house's symbol was a rose. The Lancasters were represented by a red rose while the Yorks were represented by a white rose. When the Wars of the Roses finally ended due to Henry Tudor, a Lancaster and later Henry VII, defeating Richard III, a Yorkist, the red and white roses were combined to create what has been dubbed the Tudor rose. This only occurred after Henry VII married Edward IV's daughter, Elizabeth of York, effectively uniting the two families and ending the civil war. 
The Tudor Rose

Edward IV was well liked by his subjects and the members of his court until he announced that he intended to marry Elizabeth Woodville - a commoner. Back then, and even today, it was unheard of for a monarch to marry a commoner. Of course Edward's court was upset because he hadn't married one of the nobility's daughters. I think it's inspiring that he married for love. 

Elizabeth Woodville

Edward and Elizabeth's sons, Prince Richard and Edward V, would later go missing after their father's death. In what has been called one of the greatest historical mysteries of all time, the so called "Lost Princes" disappeared while awaiting Edward V's coronation in the Tower of London. Speculation would place their deaths in the hands of their uncle who was crowned, Richard III, upon their disappearance. 

Edward and Elizabeth's daughter, Elizabeth of York, meanwhile, would later marry Henry VII of the House of Tudor and end the Wars of the Roses with her marriage. Her son is the infamous King Henry VIII. 

Philippa Gregory, the famed English historical fiction writer, wrote a novel titled The White Queen that is about Elizabeth Woodville and her rise to power. On August 10, Starz plans to premiere a new show entitled, The White Queen, which will be based off the novel. 

Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn:

In the 16th century, Henry VIII fell in love with his wife, Catherine of Aragon's, lady-in-waiting, Anne Boleyn. Anne was the niece of one of the most powerful men in the kingdom, the Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Howard. Henry tried turning Anne into his mistress, but she would not allow that to happen. Unlike the previous women Henry had had relationships with, Anne refused to be a mistress - she demanded to be Henry's queen. 

Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon

The only problem with Anne's demand was that Henry was already married to Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain and the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V's, aunt. When Henry petitioned the Pope to have his marriage to Catherine annulled on the grounds that she had previously been married to Henry's brother, Prince Arthur, the Holy Roman Emperor captured the Vatican and held the Pope prisoner until he refused Henry's request.

Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

An angry Henry split with the Roman Catholic Church, proclaiming England Protestant and establishing the Church of England. It has long been assumed that Anne was instrumental and bringing Henry to this decision as she had studied the Protestant faith while she was serving Henry's sister, Princess Mary, in France. 

Once the Church of England was established, Henry called upon his Archbishop of Canterbury to annul his marriage to Catherine. This was promptly done and Henry married Anne in May of 1533. In September of 1533, Anne had a baby girl, Princess Elizabeth. Henry, while in love with Anne, was determined to have a son. 

After several miscarriages and a stillbirth, Henry put Anne on trial for adultery. Most historians agree today that all crimes attributed to Anne were false and only placed against her in order for Henry to divorce her without looking like a fool for having broken with the Catholic Church. Anne was sentenced to death for her crimes.

There is a tale of a prophecy that a 16th century English queen would be burned at the stake for her crimes and according to one of Anne's ladies, the Queen was terrified that the prophecy foretold of her fate. Henry; however, had different plans. He declared that Anne would be executed by beheading. In a later letter, Henry would write to Anne that he was sending a French swordsman for her execution as he had heard they were more skilled and less painful than axemen. He proclaimed he was doing it because, "You see, my dear, I still love you." 

Although Henry was eager to have a son, it would be his daughter with Anne, Elizabeth I, who would become one of England's most beloved and accomplished queens. 

Henry and Anne's daughter, Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I and Sir Robert Dudley:

Henry VIII's daughter with Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I, would later have her own love scandal once she was queen. Elizabeth had grown up with Sir Robert Dudley, the son of a traitor. When she became queen, she kept Robert close by her side and named him her Horsemaster. Later, she would give him the title of Earl of Leicester. She would also bestow upon him several properties as a way for him to gain money.

Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley

Elizabeth's court was jealous of how close she was with Robert Dudley and blamed him as the reason the queen refused to marry. Elizabeth allowed Robert to call her by her childhood nickname, Bess, and allowed his advice on matters of state. In fact, many members of Elizabeth's court called Robert Dudley king in all but name.

There is speculation that Elizabeth would have married Robert had he not already rushed into marriage with Amy Robsart at a young age. There are reports of Elizabeth telling Robert that had he not been so hasty, he could have had her. When Amy was found dead two years into Elizabeth's reign, the people believed that Robert Dudley had arranged for Amy to be murdered in order to marry the queen. If the two really were planning on getting married, the outrage from the people put an ends to this hope.

The Famous Portrait of Amy Robsart's Death

Robert stayed by Elizabeth's side his whole life. From historical accounts, there is no doubt that the two were best friends and possibly lovers. Many conspiracy theorists claim that Elizabeth had Robert's child. That will be another post later. Personally, Elizabeth and Robert's story is my favorite. It's truly romantic.

Some of the best books I have read about Elizabeth and Robert's romance are:

The Secret Letters of Anne Boleyn by Robin Maxwell
The Queen's Bastard by Robin Maxwell
The Virgin Queen's Daughter by Ella March Chase
The Virgin Queen's Lover by Philippa Gregory

Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson:

In 1936, Queen Elizabeth II's uncle, King Edward VIII, abdicated the British throne because he wanted to marry, Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. Edward began his relationship with Wallis several years before he became king and many times of those years, Edward's father, King George V, told him that he could not be with Wallis.

Edward and Wallis

When Edward became king, he kept Wallis at his side. The whole country was beside itself. Not only was Wallis an American with no noble blood, but she had been divorced twice before. Edward was warned by several of his council members that if he were to attempt to marry Wallis, he would have to abdicate the throne.

Edward and Wallis on their wedding day

Following his heart, on December 11, 1936, Edward abdicated the British throne to marry his love. The two later married in France and Edward was giving the title, Duke of Windsor, by his brother, King George VI. The two never met face to face after Edward abdicated and George refused to go to Edward's wedding. In fact, none of the members of the royal family attended the wedding. Edward's abdication was a sore spot with the royal family for years.

It wasn't until 1972 when Edward was dying of lung cancer that his niece, Queen Elizabeth II, visited him. Although frail and in the hospital, Edward still insisted on standing and bowing to his niece when she entered as she was his queen. When Edward died later that year, Elizabeth stood beside his widow in comfort in what was the first time the royal family had been shown to accept Wallis.

Edward and Wallis' story has long been considered a modern love story.

Marrying For Love Article
Anne Boleyn: More Information
Elizabeth and Robert
Edward and Wallis

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

HRH Prince George of Cambridge

So, the royal baby finally has a name! On Tuesday, July 24, Kensington Palace released a press statement naming the new prince, George Alexander Louis. It only took Will and Kate two days to name their baby boy - less time than it has taken previous royals! It took Will's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, exactly one month to name Will's father, Prince Charles. It took Prince Charles and Princess Diana one week to name Prince William.

The little prince has quite a bit of history behind his first name, George. Six of England's most recent kings have been named, George. In fact, George has been the most popular name for English kings in the past 300 years. Queen Elizabeth II's father, King George VI, was the last to reign with that given name.

What do you guys think about the new prince's name? Love it or hate it?


CBS Article About HRH Prince George

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Baby Cambridge!

Today the world got its first glimpse of the future king of England, Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge's new baby boy.

Prince William and Kate leaving with the new prince

William told the press that he's glad his son looks like his mother, the Duchess. Aw! He also made the promise that he will remind the little boy later about how he was late getting here. Although no due date was ever released, it is speculated that Kate was due to give birth July 11.

Earlier, before the young prince made his way home with his parents, he was visited by both sets of grandparents. Kate's parents, Michael and Carole Middleton, visited and answered questions from the press. Stating that the new parents were happy and their grandson was adorable.
Carole and Michael Middleton

Hours later, Will's dad, Prince Charles, and his stepmother, Camilla, visited. Prince Charles was all pride as he left the hospital.

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall 

William says that they are still working on a name for the new prince, but hopes they will figure it out soon. I'll keep all of you posted on the latest news.


Baby Cambridge Photo Gallery

Monday, July 22, 2013


How many of you watched Syfy's latest movie, Sharknado? I actually watched this movie because I am a junkie for any movie with sharks and gore.

Sharknado is about a freak hurricane that hits Los Angeles and floods the area. During this freak hurricane, tornadoes sprout up over the water and somehow sharks are whisked out of the ocean by the tornadoes and deposited in the flooding city where they rain havoc. As the movie progresses, they discover that by bombing the tornadoes, it will destroy them.

Scenes from Sharknado

If the movie plot sounds absurd, that's because it is. First of all, a bomb would never magically destroy a tornado. Secondly, once a shark has landed on dry land, it isn't going to automatically search for a person and start chewing. At this point, survival instincts would have kicked in and it would be looking for water in order to survive.

Sharknado became one of Syfy's highest ever rated movies in terms of viewers due to its role in social media. Simply put, it became a Twitter sensation. Celebrities of all calibers tweeted their thoughts of Sharknado, granted most of them were jabs at the movie. Even though they were making fun of the movie, it still prompted several people to watch the movie due to their favorite celebrities tweeting about it.

Celebrity Tweets on Sharknado

What did you guys think of the movie?